Friday, November 29, 2019

i literally filtered posts tagged nsfw on tumblr and there’s a no nsfw content rule and i STILL came across nsfw content
wtf tumblr????
my birthstone is opal, and opal from su is forgetful
and i forget, like, everything
i just posted someone’s art and i was a forgetful idiot and didn’t check if i could use it then realized it says in their desc not to repost their art

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

i saw the first page of the mpn and it was literally 90% dewdragons creations lmao

Monday, November 18, 2019

so there’s been drama involving the tumblr user i-am-a-fish
apparently someone made a callout post because they followed pedos on twitter
but they were also following an anti-map
so i’m confused about all this .-.
i accidentally reported someones tagline dangit