Wednesday, August 16, 2017

(DON'T IGNORE) To Elizabeth

1. A typo occurs when someone tries to type something but they accidentally misspell it.
2. There are important posts on my G+ profile, so the block wasn't very useful.
3. You said "it's completely ironic how you claim that i "don't care about your feelings" when YOU'RE the one who keeps trying to contact ME after i told you multiple times TO LEAVE ME ALONE." then "if you even DARE try to comment on this blog again, i will turn off comments faster than you can say "yoru."" Do you think that's not upsetting to me?
4. "and even when i provide proof of your bull(removed), YOU (removed)ING DENY IT. like holy (removed) you literally act like some god who can do no wrong and it annoys me to NO END." Sorry.

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