Saturday, March 24, 2018


as I was drawing, I heard a chicken XDDD

1 comment:

  1. i know i'd probably get attacked for some of the things i say on here, but, like, just because i like something in fiction doesn't mean i condone it in real life.
    one of the reasons i have an interest in belphegor in the first place is because swd mentioned that he was yandere and those are the kind of characters i'm interested in, but if a dude like that exists irl i would not want to be in the same room as him, maybe even call the police on him if he even tries to do anything to me or others.

    i guess that's one of the beauties of fiction. it allows you to explore dark themes without harming real people. not everything has to be light and fluffy coffee shop aus with little to no conflict; some of us want actual plots. stories wouldn't be interesting if they didn't have any problems, or even conflict for that matter, in the first place.


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