Tuesday, September 25, 2018

New Species Category: Neomon!

Hi everyone! So, I’m making a new species category: Neomon! Neomon communicate by going vion, and many people keep Neomon. They have forms called their powerized forms, which they can switch to via use of objects called Powerizers. Neomon are quite common, and each Neomon species has a different category (sylvan/electric/aquatic/firey/dark/illuminous/fairy-esque/aerial/icy.)

You are allowed to make a Neomon character, however, it has to get approved, and you are not allowed to make OP/black and red/flawless Neomon OCs. I will make reference sheets for Neomon species.

Note: Do not accuse me of ripping off Pokémon! Neomon and Pokémon have multiple differences, therefore, Neomon aren’t ripoffs of Pokémon.


  1. You ripped off my OCs, thief. I am going to steal your Wiki.

  2. You stole my character and named her after God. She is going to destroy your Prime Stiires and replace them with a better species. Prepare yourself, Fakelina.

    1. She has divine powers now. You will lose.

    2. She has destroyed half of the Prime Stiires universe. Any last words, Fakelina?

    3. Actually. You can't have any last words because my OC just destroyed your universe.
      All of your Prime Stiires OCs are dead now. I win.

    4. I am now making a new species that are 100000000 times better than Prime Stiires. However, I won't ban you from making your own OC because I am not mean.


No spam/cussing/insulting please!